Smart irrigation systems tailor watering schedules and run times automatically to meet specific landscape needs. These controllers significantly improve outdoor water use efficiencies.
Smart irrigation systems tailor watering schedules and run times automatically to meet specific landscape needs. These controllers significantly improve outdoor water use efficiencies.
Smart irrigation systems tailor watering schedules and run times automatically to meet specific landscape needs. These controllers significantly improve outdoor water use efficiencies.
Unlike traditional irrigation controllers that operate on a preset programmed schedule and timers, smart irrigation controllers monitor weather, soil conditions, evaporation and plant water use to automatically adjust the watering schedule to actual conditions of the site.
IndusTech industrial training
Skill is the tool that transfers an ordinary technician into a professional one.At indusTech, we know the importance of the professionals in the technological industry. We make sure to contribute our efforts to the industry by training students & giving the exposure to be the future professionals with necessary skill set.
Accepting applications for industrial training
Industrial training for Polytchnic students
*Embedded systems.
*Telecom transmission.
*Cyber security.
*Mobile swithing.
*Embedded systems.
*Cyber security in SCADA
*PID controllers.
*Cyber security.
*JAVA,JAVA script,
*JQuery and HTML.
Major and Mini projects for Engineering students
Major and Mini projects for Engineering students for the branches ECE, EEE and CSC.